Judaism Has Four Different “New Years!”

Rosh Hashana Apples and Honey

Would you believe that Rosh Hashanah is just one of the Jewish New Years?

In fact, Judaism has four different “New Years,” which at first seems like a strange concept, until we consider:

What are all of the different starts of our secular year?

  • January 1st
  • School year
  • Birthday
  • Fiscal Year

In Judaism, we mark the different “new years” like this:

  • The 1st of the month of Nissan (March/April) kicks off the holiday cycle and the month of Nissan is considered to the first month of the year. Yes, that’s right, Rosh Hashanah is explained in the Torah as the 1st of the 7th month of the year. During the month of Nissan, we celebrate Pesach (Passover), which marks the beginning of spring and commemorates the traditional story of the exodus from Egypt and the rebirth of the Jewish people. Definitely feels like the beginning of a year as well!
  • The 1st of the month of Elul (usually in August) is the new year for the animals
  • Tu B’Shevat (January/February) is the new year for trees (determines when first fruits can be eaten).
  • The 1st of Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) is the new year for years (when we increase the year number).

For this New Year, we wish you and your loved ones a sweet 5778!

Challah Baked Brie

Are you looking for a new twist when it comes to challah?

While we all enjoy dipping challah in our soup, and perhaps you tend to look forward to the raisin challah for a little sweetness with your holiday. For those of you making a meal with dairy, try this challah wrapped around brie recipe for a savory twist, which is sure to please even the most traditional guest with its gooey goodness.

Mazel Tov!
Cabo San Lucas Bar Mitzvah
Cody Zafrani puts on his tallit with mentor Todd Shotz for his Bar Mitzvah service in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
Mazel Tov to our students on becoming Bar/Bat Mitzvah in July, August and September!

Cody Zafrani

July 13, 2017

Seth Luwisch

August 5, 2017

Georgia Turman

August 5, 2017

Ramona Caplan

August 19, 2017

Tammy Gestetner

August 26, 2017

Zoe Klein

August 26,2017

Leo Maring

September 2, 2017

Zoe Green and Sara Goldin

September 16, 2017

Cody Zafrani

July 13, 2017

Seth Luwisch

August 5, 2017

Georgia Turman

August 5, 2017

Ramona Caplan

August 19, 2017

Tammy Gestetner

August 26, 2017

Zoe Klein

August 26,2017

Leo Maring

September 2, 2017

Zoe Green and Sara Goldin

September 16, 2017

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